#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # JavaScript Soundfont Builder for MIDI.js # Author: 0xFE # # Requires: # # FluidSynth # Lame # OggEnc (from vorbis-tools) # Ruby Gem: midilib # # $ brew install fluidsynth vorbis-tools lame (on OSX) # $ gem install midilib # # You'll need to download a GM soundbank to generate audio. # # Usage: # # 1) Install the above dependencies. # 2) Edit BUILD_DIR, SOUNDFONT, and INSTRUMENTS as required. # 3) Run without any argument. require 'base64' require 'fileutils' require 'midilib' include FileUtils BUILD_DIR = "../../soundfont" # Output path SOUNDFONT = "./FluidR3_GM.sf2" # Soundfont file path # This script will generate MIDI.js-compatible instrument JS files for # all instruments in the below array. Add or remove as necessary. INSTRUMENTS = [ 0, # Acoustic Grand Piano 24, # Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 25, # Acoustic Guitar (steel) 26, # Electric Guitar (jazz) 30, # Distortion Guitar 33, # Electric Bass (finger) 34, # Electric Bass (pick) 56, # Trumpet 61, # Brass Section 64, # Soprano Sax 65, # Alto Sax 66, # Tenor Sax 67, # Baritone Sax 73, # Flute 118 # Synth Drum ] # The encoders and tools are expected in your PATH. You can supply alternate # paths by changing the constants below. OGGENC = `which oggenc`.chomp LAME = `which lame`.chomp FLUIDSYNTH = `which fluidsynth`.chomp puts "Building the following instruments using font: " + SOUNDFONT # Display instrument names. INSTRUMENTS.each do |i| puts " #{i}: " + MIDI::GM_PATCH_NAMES[i] end puts puts "Using OGG encoder: " + OGGENC puts "Using MP3 encoder: " + LAME puts "Using FluidSynth encoder: " + FLUIDSYNTH puts puts "Sending output to: " + BUILD_DIR puts raise "Can't find soundfont: #{SOUNDFONT}" unless File.exists? SOUNDFONT raise "Can't find 'oggenc' command" if OGGENC.empty? raise "Can't find 'lame' command" if LAME.empty? raise "Can't find 'fluidsynth' command" if FLUIDSYNTH.empty? raise "Output directory does not exist: #{BUILD_DIR}" unless File.exists?(BUILD_DIR) puts "Hit return to begin." $stdin.readline NOTES = { "C" => 0, "Db" => 1, "D" => 2, "Eb" => 3, "E" => 4, "F" => 5, "Gb" => 6, "G" => 7, "Ab" => 8, "A" => 9, "Bb" => 10, "B" => 11 } MIDI_C0 = 12 VELOCITY = 85 DURATION = Integer(3200 * 0.75) TEMP_FILE = "#{BUILD_DIR}/temp.midi" def note_to_int(note, octave) value = NOTES[note] increment = MIDI_C0 + (octave * 12) return value + increment end def int_to_note(value) raise "Bad Value" if value < MIDI_C0 reverse_notes = NOTES.invert value -= MIDI_C0 octave = value / 12 note = value % 12 return { key: reverse_notes[note], octave: octave } end # Run a quick table validation MIDI_C0.upto(100) do |x| note = int_to_note x raise "Broken table" unless note_to_int(note[:key], note[:octave]) == x end def generate_midi(program, note_value, file) include MIDI seq = Sequence.new() track = Track.new(seq) seq.tracks << track track.events << ProgramChange.new(0, Integer(program)) track.events << NoteOn.new(0, note_value, VELOCITY, 0) # channel, note, velocity, delta track.events << NoteOff.new(0, note_value, VELOCITY, DURATION) File.open(file, 'wb') { | file | seq.write(file) } end def run_command(cmd) puts "Running: " + cmd `#{cmd}` end def midi_to_audio(source, target) run_command "#{FLUIDSYNTH} -C 1 -R 1 -g 0.5 -F #{target} #{SOUNDFONT} #{source}" run_command "#{OGGENC} -m 32 -M 64 #{target}" run_command "#{LAME} -v -b 8 -B 32 #{target}" rm target end def open_js_file(instrument_key, type) js_file = File.open("#{BUILD_DIR}/#{instrument_key}-#{type}.js", "w") js_file.write( """ if (typeof(MIDI) === 'undefined') var MIDI = {}; if (typeof(MIDI.Soundfont) === 'undefined') MIDI.Soundfont = {}; MIDI.Soundfont.#{instrument_key} = { """) return js_file end def close_js_file(file) file.write("\n}\n") file.close end def base64js(note, file, type) output = '"' + note + '": ' output += '"' + "data:audio/#{type};base64," output += Base64.strict_encode64(File.read(file)) + '"' return output end def generate_audio(program) include MIDI instrument = GM_PATCH_NAMES[program] program_key = instrument.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9 ]/, "").gsub(/\s+/, "_") puts "Generating audio for: " + instrument + "(#{program_key})" mkdir_p "#{BUILD_DIR}/#{program_key}-mp3" ogg_js_file = open_js_file(program_key, "ogg") mp3_js_file = open_js_file(program_key, "mp3") note_to_int("A", 0).upto(note_to_int("C", 8)) do |note_value| note = int_to_note(note_value) output_name = "#{note[:key]}#{note[:octave]}" output_path_prefix = BUILD_DIR + "/" + output_name puts "Generating: #{output_name}" generate_midi(program, note_value, TEMP_FILE) midi_to_audio(TEMP_FILE, output_path_prefix + ".wav") puts "Updating JS files..." ogg_js_file.write(base64js(output_name, output_path_prefix + ".ogg", "ogg") + ",\n") mp3_js_file.write(base64js(output_name, output_path_prefix + ".mp3", "mp3") + ",\n") mv output_path_prefix + ".mp3", "#{BUILD_DIR}/#{program_key}-mp3" rm output_path_prefix + ".ogg" rm TEMP_FILE end close_js_file(ogg_js_file) close_js_file(mp3_js_file) end INSTRUMENTS.each {|i| generate_audio(i)}