/* ---------------------------------------------------- Loader.js : 0.4.2 : 2012/11/09 ---------------------------------------------------- https://github.com/mudcube/Loader.js ---------------------------------------------------- /// Simple setup. var loader = new widgets.Loader; /// More complex setup. var loader = new widgets.Loader({ id: "loader", bars: 12, radius: 0, lineWidth: 20, lineHeight: 70, timeout: 30, // maximum timeout in seconds. background: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)", container: document.body, oncomplete: function() { // call function once loader has completed }, onstart: function() { // call function once loader has started } }); /// Add a new message to the queue. var loaderId = loader.add({ message: "test", getProgress: function() { // sends progress to loader.js return progress; // value between 1-100 } }); /// Remove a specific loader message. loader.remove(loaderId); /// Recenter the loader within container (run onresize) loader.center(); /// Stop all loader instances. loader.stop(); */ if (typeof (widgets) === "undefined") var widgets = {}; (function() { "use strict"; var PI = Math.PI; var noCanvas = !document.createElement("canvas").getContext; var fadeOutSpeed = 400; var defaultConfig = { id: "loader", bars: 12, radius: 0, lineWidth: 20, lineHeight: 70, timeout: 0, display: true }; widgets.Loader = function (configure) { if (noCanvas) return; var that = this; if (typeof (configure) === "string") configure = { message: configure }; if (typeof (configure) === "boolean") configure = { display: false }; if (typeof (configure) === "undefined") configure = {}; configure.container = configure.container || document.body; if (!configure.container) return; /// Mixin the default configurations. for (var key in defaultConfig) { if (typeof (configure[key]) === "undefined") { configure[key] = defaultConfig[key]; } } /// Setup element var canvas = document.getElementById(configure.id); if (!canvas) { var div = document.createElement("div"); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.className = "message"; div.appendChild(span); div.className = defaultConfig.id; div.style.cssText = transitionCSS("opacity", fadeOutSpeed); this.span = span; this.div = div; var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); document.body.appendChild(canvas); canvas.id = configure.id; canvas.style.cssText = "opacity: 1; position: absolute; z-index: 10000;"; div.appendChild(canvas); configure.container.appendChild(div); } else { this.span = canvas.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]; } /// Configure var delay = configure.delay; var bars = configure.bars; var radius = configure.radius; var max = configure.lineHeight + 20; var size = max * 2 + configure.radius * 2; var windowSize = getWindowSize(configure.container); var width = windowSize.width - size; var height = windowSize.height - size; var deviceRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; /// canvas.width = size * deviceRatio; canvas.height = size * deviceRatio; /// var iteration = 0; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"; ctx.shadowOffsetX = 1; ctx.shadowOffsetY = 1; ctx.shadowBlur = 1; ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"; /// Public functions. this.messageId; this.messages = {}; this.message = function (message, onstart) { if (!this.interval) return this.start(onstart, message); if (this.messageId) return this.update(this.messageId, message); return this.messageId = this.add({ message: message, onstart: onstart }); }; this.update = function(id, message, percent) { var item = this.messages[id]; item.message = message; if (typeof(percent) === "number") item.span.innerHTML = percent + "%"; if (message.substr(-3) === "...") { // animated dots item._message = message.substr(0, message.length - 3); item.messageAnimate = [".  ", ".. ", "..."].reverse(); } else { // normal item._message = message; item.messageAnimate = false; } /// item.element.innerHTML = message; }; this.add = function (conf) { if (typeof(conf) === "string") conf = { message: conf }; var background = configure.background ? configure.background : "rgba(0,0,0,0.65)"; this.span.style.cssText = "background: " + background + ";"; this.div.style.cssText = transitionCSS("opacity", fadeOutSpeed); if (this.stopPropagation) { this.div.style.cssText += "background: rgba(0,0,0,0.25);"; } else { this.div.style.cssText += "pointer-events: none;"; } /// canvas.parentNode.style.opacity = 1; canvas.parentNode.style.display = "block"; if (configure.background) this.div.style.background = configure.backgrond; /// var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime(); var seed = Math.abs(timestamp * Math.random() >> 0); var message = conf.message; /// var container = document.createElement("div"); container.style.cssText = transitionCSS("opacity", 500); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.style.cssText = "float: right; width: 50px;"; var node = document.createElement("span"); node.innerHTML = message; /// container.appendChild(node); container.appendChild(span); /// var item = this.messages[seed] = { seed: seed, container: container, element: node, span: span, message: message, timeout: (conf.timeout || configure.timeout) * 1000, timestamp: timestamp, getProgress: conf.getProgress }; this.span.appendChild(container); this.span.style.display = "block"; this.update(item.seed, message); this.center(); /// Escape event loop. if (conf.onstart) { window.setTimeout(conf.onstart, 50); } /// this.center(); /// if (!this.interval) { if (!conf.delay) renderAnimation(); window.clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = window.setInterval(renderAnimation, 30); } /// Return identifier. return seed; }; this.remove = function (seed) { iteration += 0.07; var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime(); if (typeof(seed) === "object") seed = seed.join(":"); if (seed) seed = ":" + seed + ":"; /// Remove element. for (var key in this.messages) { var item = this.messages[key]; if (!seed || seed.indexOf(":" + item.seed + ":") !== -1) { delete this.messages[item.seed]; item.container.style.color = "#99ff88"; removeChild(item); if (item.getProgress) item.span.innerHTML = "100%"; } } }; this.start = function (onstart, message) { if (!(message || configure.message)) return; return this.messageId = this.add({ message: message || configure.message, onstart: onstart }); }; this.stop = function () { this.remove(); window.clearInterval(this.interval); delete this.interval; if (configure.oncomplete) configure.oncomplete(); if (canvas && canvas.style) { div.style.cssText += "pointer-events: none;"; window.setTimeout(function() { that.div.style.opacity = 0; }, 1); window.setTimeout(function () { if (that.interval) return; that.stopPropagation = false; canvas.parentNode.style.display = "none"; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, size, size); }, fadeOutSpeed * 1000); } }; this.center = function() { var windowSize = getWindowSize(configure.container); var width = windowSize.width - size; var height = windowSize.height - size; /// Center the animation within the content. canvas.style.left = (width / 2) + "px"; canvas.style.top = (height / 2) + "px"; canvas.style.width = (size) + "px"; canvas.style.height = (size) + "px"; that.span.style.left = ((width + size) / 2 - that.span.offsetWidth / 2) + "px"; that.span.style.top = (height / 2 + size - 10) + "px"; }; var style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = '\ .loader { color: #fff; position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 100000; opacity: 0; display: none; }\ .loader span.message { font-family: monospace; font-size: 14px; opacity: 1; display: none; border-radius: 10px; padding: 0px; width: 300px; text-align: center; position: absolute; z-index: 10000; }\ .loader span.message div { border-bottom: 1px solid #222; padding: 5px 10px; clear: both; text-align: left; opacity: 1; }\ .loader span.message div:last-child { border-bottom: none; }\ '; document.head.appendChild(style); /// Private functions. var removeChild = function(item) { window.setTimeout(function() { // timeout in case within same event loop. item.container.style.opacity = 0; }, 1); window.setTimeout(function() { // wait for opacity=0 before removing the element. item.container.parentNode.removeChild(item.container); }, 10); }; var renderAnimation = function () { var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime(); for (var key in that.messages) { var item = that.messages[key]; var nid = iteration / 0.07 >> 0; if (nid % 5 === 0 && item.getProgress) { if (item.timeout && item.timestamp && timestamp - item.timestamp > item.timeout) { that.remove(item.seed); continue; } var progress = item.getProgress(); if (progress >= 100) { that.remove(item.seed); continue; } item.span.innerHTML = (progress >> 0) + "%"; } if (nid % 10 === 0) { if (item.messageAnimate) { var length = item.messageAnimate.length; var n = nid / 10 % length; var text = item._message + item.messageAnimate[n]; item.element.innerHTML = text; } } } if (!key) { that.stop(); } // ctx.save(); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, size * deviceRatio, size * deviceRatio); ctx.scale(deviceRatio, deviceRatio); ctx.translate(size / 2, size / 2); var hues = 360 - 360 / bars; for (var i = 0; i < bars; i++) { var angle = (i / bars * 2 * PI) + iteration; ctx.save(); ctx.translate(radius * Math.sin(-angle), radius * Math.cos(-angle)); ctx.rotate(angle); // round-rect properties var x = -configure.lineWidth / 2; var y = 0; var width = configure.lineWidth; var height = configure.lineHeight; var curve = width / 2; // round-rect path ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x + curve, y); ctx.lineTo(x + width - curve, y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + curve); ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - curve); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - curve, y + height); ctx.lineTo(x + curve, y + height); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - curve); ctx.lineTo(x, y + curve); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + curve, y); // round-rect fill var hue = ((i / (bars - 1)) * hues); ctx.fillStyle = "hsla(" + hue + ", 100%, 50%, 0.85)"; ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); } ctx.restore(); iteration += 0.07; }; // if (configure.display === false) return this; // this.start(); // return this; }; //// var transitionCSS = function(type, ms) { return '\ -webkit-transition-property: '+type+';\ -webkit-transition-duration: '+ms+'ms;\ -moz-transition-property: '+type+';\ -moz-transition-duration: '+ms+'ms;\ -o-transition-property: '+type+';\ -o-transition-duration: '+ms+'ms;\ -ms-transition-property: '+type+';\ -ms-transition-duration: '+ms+'ms;'; }; var getWindowSize = function (element) { if (window.innerWidth && window.innerHeight) { var width = window.innerWidth; var height = window.innerHeight; } else if (document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.offsetWidth) { var width = document.documentElement.offsetWidth; var height = document.documentElement.offsetHeight; } else if (document.body && document.body.offsetWidth) { var width = document.body.offsetWidth; var height = document.body.offsetHeight; } if (element) { var width = element.offsetWidth; } return { width: width, height: height }; }; })();