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2012-02-16 05:46:03 +01:00
* This version is supported by all browsers that support native JSON parsing:
* - Firefox 3.5+
* - Chrome 4.0+
* - Safari 4.0+
* - Opera 10.5+
* - Internet Explorer 8.0+
* If you want this version to work with other browsers, you can use the JSON parsing methods of your favorite Javascript
* framework (e.g. jQuery, Dojo, YUI, Mootools, etc.)
* Note for IE8 users: if you include MidiBridge.js (or preferably the minified version of it: midibridge-0.5.min.js) in your html,
* the method addEventListener will be added to the window object. In fact this method is just a wrapper around the attachEvent method,
* see code at the bottom of this file.
(function() {
var midiBridge = {
NOTE_OFF : 0x80, //128
NOTE_ON : 0x90, //144
POLY_PRESSURE : 0xA0, //160
CONTROL_CHANGE : 0xB0, //176
PROGRAM_CHANGE : 0xC0, //192
PITCH_BEND : 0xE0, //224
//human readable representation of status byte midi data
var status = [];
status[0x80] = "NOTE OFF";
status[0x90] = "NOTE ON";
status[0xA0] = "POLY PRESSURE";
status[0xB0] = "CONTROL CHANGE";
status[0xC0] = "PROGRAM CHANGE";
status[0xD0] = "CHANNEL PRESSURE";
status[0xE0] = "PITCH BEND";
status[0xF0] = "SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE";
//notenames in different modi
var noteNames = {
"sharp" : ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"],
"flat" : ["C", "Dâ™­", "D", "Eâ™­", "E", "F", "Gâ™­", "G", "Aâ™­", "A", "Bâ™­", "B"],
"soundfont" : ["C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B"],
"enh-sharp" : ["B#", "C#", "C##", "D#", "D##", "E#", "F#", "F##", "G#", "G##", "A#", "A##"],
"enh-flat" : ["Dâ™­â™­", "Dâ™­", "Eâ™­â™­", "Eâ™­", "Fâ™­", "Gâ™­â™­", "Gâ™­", "Aâ™­â™­", "Aâ™­", "Bâ™­", "Bâ™­", "Câ™­"]
//variable that holds a reference to the JSON parser method of your liking, defaults to native JSON parsing
var parseJSON = JSON.parse;
//method that gets called when midi note events arrive from the applet
var ondata = null;
var onerror = null;
var onready = null;
//the applet object
var applet = null;
var connectAllInputs = false;
var connectFirstInput = false;
var connectFirstOutput = false;
var connectAllInputsToFirstOutput = true;
var javaDir = "java";
var devices = {};
midiBridge.version = "0.5.1";
midiBridge.ready = false;
midiBridge.noteNameModus = midiBridge.NOTE_NAMES_SHARP;
* static method called to initialize the MidiBridge
* possible arguments:
* 1) callback [function] callback when midi data has arrived
* 2) config object
* - ready : [function] callback when midibridge is ready/initialized
* - error : [function] callback in case of an error
* - data : [function] callback when midi data has arrived
* - connectAllInputs : [true,false] all found midi input devices get connected automatically
* - connectFirstInput : [true,false] the first found midi input device gets connected automatically
* - connectFirstOutput : [true,false] the first found midi output device gets connected automatically
* - connectAllInputsToFirstOutput : [true,false] all found midi input devices will be automatically connected to the first found midi output device
* - javaDir : [string] the folder where you store the midiapplet.jar on your webserver, defaults to "java"
midiBridge.init = function(arg) {
//var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
if( typeof arg === "function") {
ondata = arg;
} else if( typeof arg === "object") {
var config = arg;
connectAllInputs = config.connectAllInputs;
connectFirstInput = config.connectFirstInput;
connectFirstOutput = config.connectFirstOutput;
connectAllInputsToFirstOutput = config.connectAllInputsToFirstOutput;
ondata = config.data;
onready = config.ready;
onerror = config.error;
switch(true) {
case connectAllInputs && connectFirstOutput:
connectAllInputs = false;
connectFirstInput = false;
connectFirstOutput = false;
connectAllInputsToFirstOutput = true;
case connectAllInputsToFirstOutput:
connectAllInputs = false;
connectFirstInput = false;
connectFirstInput = false;
connectFirstOutput = false;
case connectFirstInput:
connectAllInputs = false;
connectAllInputsToFirstOutput = false;
case connectFirstOutput:
connectAllInputs = false;
connectAllInputsToFirstOutput = false;
case connectAllInputs:
connectFirstInput = false;
connectFirstOutput = false;
connectAllInputsToFirstOutput = false;
* Very simple java plugin detection
if(!navigator.javaEnabled()) {
if(onerror) {
onerror("no java plugin found; install or enable the java plugin")
} else {
console.log("no java plugin found; install or enable the java plugin");
* If you are using the JSON parse method of your favorite Javascript framework replace the followingn lines by onlu:
* loadJava();
* static method called by the applet
midiBridge.msgFromJava = function(jsonString) {
var data = parseJSON(jsonString);
var msgId = data.msgId;
switch(msgId) {
case "upgrade-java":
if(onerror) {
onerror("please upgrade your java plugin!")
} else {
console.log("please upgrade your java plugin!");
case "midi-started":
if(applet) {
devices = data.devices;
midiBridge.ready = true;
if(connectAllInputs) {
if(connectFirstInput) {
if(connectFirstOutput) {
if(connectAllInputsToFirstOutput) {
if(onready) {
onready("midibridge started");
case "midi-data":
if(ondata) {
ondata(new MidiMessage(data));
case "error":
if(onerror) {
* Send a midi event from javascript to java
* @param status : the midi status byte, e.g. NOTE ON, NOTE OFF, PITCH BEND and so on
* @param channel : the midi channel that this event will be sent to 0 - 15
* @param data1 : the midi note number
* @param data2 : the second data byte, when the status byte is NOTE ON or NOTE OFF, data2 is the velocity
midiBridge.sendMidiEvent = function(status, channel, data1, data2) {
if(checkIfReady()) {
return parseJSON(applet.processMidiEvent(status, channel, data1, data2));
* Get the list of all currently connected midi devices
midiBridge.getDevices = function() {
return devices;
* Refresh the list of all currently connected midi devices
midiBridge.refreshDevices = function() {
if(checkIfReady()) {
return parseJSON(applet.getDevices());
* Connect all found midi inputs to the midibridge right after the midibridge has been initialized
midiBridge.connectAllInputs = function() {
if(checkIfReady()) {
return parseJSON(applet.connectAllInputs());
* Connect the first found midi input to the midibridge right after the midibridge has been initialized
midiBridge.connectFirstInput = function() {
if(checkIfReady()) {
return parseJSON(applet.connectFirstInput());
* Connect the first found midi output to the midibridge right after the midibridge has been initialized
midiBridge.connectFirstOutput = function() {
if(checkIfReady()) {
return parseJSON(applet.connectFirstOutput());
* Connect the first found midi output to all connected midi inputs right after the midibridge has been initialized
midiBridge.connectAllInputsToFirstOutput = function() {
if(checkIfReady()) {
return parseJSON(applet.connectAllInputsToFirstOutput());
* Connect midi a midi input to the bridge, and/or a midi input to a midi output
* @param midiInId : [int] id of the midi input that will be connected to the bridge, use the ids as retrieved by getDevices()
* @param midiOutId : [int] optional, the id of the midi output that will be connected to the chosen midi input
* @param filter : [array] an array containing status codes that will *not* be sent from the chosen midi input to the chosen midi output
* e.g. if you supply the array [midiBridge.PITCH_BEND, midiBridge.POLY_PRESSURE], pitch bend and poly pressure midi messages will not be forwarded to the output
midiBridge.addConnection = function(midiInId, midiOutId, filter) {
if(checkIfReady()) {
midiOutId = midiOutId == undefined ? -1 : midiOutId;
filter = filter == undefined ? [] : filter;
return parseJSON(applet.addConnection(midiInId, midiOutId, filter));
* Remove a midi connection between between an input and the midibridge, and/or the given in- and output
* @param midiIdIn : [int] the midi input
* @param midiIdOut : [int] optional, the midi output
midiBridge.removeConnection = function(midiInId, midiOutId) {
if(checkIfReady()) {
return parseJSON(applet.removeConnection(midiInId, midiOutId));
* All previously setup midi connections will be disconnected
midiBridge.disconnectAll = function() {
if(checkIfReady()) {
return parseJSON(applet.disconnectAll());
midiBridge.loadBase64String = function(data){
return parseJSON(applet.loadBase64String(data));
midiBridge.playBase64String = function(data){
return parseJSON(applet.playBase64String(data));
midiBridge.loadMidiFile = function(url){
return parseJSON(applet.loadMidiFile(url));
midiBridge.playMidiFile = function(url){
return parseJSON(applet.playMidiFile(url));
midiBridge.startSequencer = function(){
midiBridge.pauseSequencer = function(){
midiBridge.stopSequencer = function(){
midiBridge.closeSequencer = function(){
midiBridge.getSequencerPosition = function(){
return applet.getSequencerPosition();
midiBridge.setSequencerPosition = function(pos){
* Check if a midiBridge function is called before initialization
function checkIfReady() {
if(!midiBridge.ready) {
if(onerror) {
onerror("midibridge not ready!");
return "midibridge not ready!";
return true;
* A div with the applet object is added to the body of your html document
function loadJava() {
var javaDiv = document.createElement("div");
javaDiv.setAttribute("id", "midibridge-java");
var html = "";
html += '<object tabindex="0" id="midibridge-applet" type="application/x-java-applet" height="1" width="1">';
html += '<param name="codebase" value="' + javaDir + '/" />';
html += '<param name="archive" value="midiapplet.jar" />';
html += '<param name="code" value="net.abumarkub.midi.applet.MidiApplet" />';
html += '<param name="scriptable" value="true" />';
html += '<param name="minJavaVersion" value="1.5" />';
//html += 'Your browser needs the Java plugin to use the midibridge. You can download it <a href="http://www.java.com/en/" target="blank" title="abumarkub midibridge download java" rel="abumarkub midibridge download java">here</a>';
html += '</object>';
javaDiv.innerHTML = html;
* class MidiMessage is used to wrap the midi note data that arrives from the applet
var MidiMessage = (function()//constructor
var _constructor = function(data) {
this.data1 = data.data1;
this.data2 = data.data2;
this.status = data.status;
this.status = this.data2 == 0 && this.status == midiBridge.NOTE_ON ? midiBridge.NOTE_OFF : this.status;
this.channel = data.channel;
this.noteName = midiBridge.getNoteName(this.data1, midiBridge.noteNameModus);
this.statusCode = midiBridge.getStatus(this.status);
this.microsecond = data.microsecond;
this.time = midiBridge.getNiceTime(this.microsecond);
_constructor.prototype = {
toString : function() {
var s = "";
s += this.noteName + " " + this.statusCode + " " + this.data1 + " " + this.data2 + " " + this.status;
s += this.microsecond ? this.microsecond + " " + this.time : "";
return s;
toJSONString : function() {
var s;
s= "{'notename':" + this.noteName + ", 'status':" + this.status + ", 'data1':" + this.data1 + ", 'data2':" + this.data2 + ", 'microsecond':" + this.microsecond + ", 'time':" + this.time + "}";
s= "{'notename':" + this.noteName + ", 'status':" + this.status + ", 'data1':" + this.data1 + ", 'data2':" + this.data2 + "}";
return s;
return _constructor;
midiBridge.getNoteName = function(noteNumber, mode) {
var octave = Math.floor(((noteNumber) / 12) - 1);
var noteName = noteNames[mode][noteNumber % 12];
return noteName + "" + octave;
midiBridge.getNoteNumber = function(noteName, octave) {
var index = -1;
noteName = noteName.toUpperCase();
for(var key in noteNames) {
var modus = noteNames[key];
for(var i = 0, max = modus.length; i < max; i++) {
if(modus[i] === noteName) {
index = i;
if(index === -1) {
return "invalid note name";
noteNumber = (12 + index) + (octave * 12);
return noteNumber;
midiBridge.getStatus = function($statusCode) {
return status[$statusCode];
midiBridge.getNiceTime = function(microseconds)
var r = "";
var t = (microseconds / 1000 / 1000) >> 0;
var h = (t / (60 * 60)) >> 0;
var m = ((t % (60 * 60)) / 60) >> 0;
var s = t % (60);
var ms = (((microseconds /1000) - (h * 3600000) - (m * 60000) - (s * 1000)) + 0.5) >> 0;
r += h > 0 ? h + ":" : "";
r += h > 0 ? m < 10 ? "0" + m : m : m;
r += ":";
r += s < 10 ? "0" + s : s;
r += ":";
r += ms == 0 ? "000" : ms < 10 ? "00" + ms : ms < 100 ? "0" + ms : ms;
return r;
function getApplet() {
try {
applet = midiBridge.getObject("midibridge-applet");
} catch(e) {
//Firefox needs more time to initialize the Applet
setTimeout(getApplet, 25);
midiBridge.getObject = function(objectName) {
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if(ua.indexOf("msie") !== -1 || ua.indexOf("webkit") !== -1) {
return window[objectName];
} else {
return document[objectName];
//add addEventListener to IE8
if(!window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener = function($id, $callback, $bubble) {
window.attachEvent('onload', $callback);
window.midiBridge = midiBridge;